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12.20 EA Client Filter Release and Downloads (March 19, 2024)


The Netsweeper Client Filter 12.20 EA continues with stability and feature improvements for Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Chrome. We are working on delivering a Chrome Manifest v3 and all customers should consider testing the MV3 Chrome extension. Netsweeper is working hard to deliver a Chrome Extension published to the Chrome Extension Store before June 2024 with all features. Moving forward, all customers can use the Chrome Store version of our Client Filter for Chrome as all features will be available. The nMonitor functionality in the Client Filter continues to be stabilized across all platforms; and with version 12.10, the iOS Browser and Android Browser both have nMonitor detection functionality available.

Customers waiting for the improvements listed in the 12.20 EA release notes or who are already using 12.10 EA are advised to test the 12.20 EA release before proceeding to upgrade to 12.20 EA in their production networks. Customers running the Chrome nMonitor client and wishing to use both the OCR and new keylogging features are highly encouraged to upgrade to the 12.20 EA release or to disable keylogging in the 11.60 GA release for stability reasons.

If you have any questions or concerns about planning an upgrade to this release, please contact Netsweeper Technical Support (


Issue Type Ticket Summary

New Feature


nMonitor did not work in Chrome v3 Manfiest, required Worker() js API, which is not available in Chrome Manifest v3.



Added the ability to disable IPv4 and IPv6 from being filtered, along with the ability to disable network path discovery from toggling IPv4/IPv6 on and off.



Resolved an issue where our OCR Image Compare Feature could mistakenly consider all Google search results as similar, resulting in potential missed detections.



The nMonitor Events now include the words found as well as detection information.



Upgraded the iOS VPN Client to Xcode 15 SDK 17.



The 12.10 client filter would upload failed nMonitor events every minute and never clear them from the queue on success. This could cause the same event to be relogged indefinitely, until the user would logout.



Each time we failed to upload an 'offline' detected Event and requeue it, the 'timestamp' of the Event would be improperly updated.



Kept receiving https://getconfig.liger-event URLs non-stop in the Request Logs as long as the Services > Policy Server Settings window remained open in Chrome MV3.



Added chrome mv3 to Polaris scan.



Resolved an issue where denied websites could briefly appear before being redirected to the Deny Page in Chrome mv3.



Updated the Client Filter 'Default' compiled settings to be our current recommended settings.

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