Beginning in version 7.1 Netsweeper has implemented the the nsPDE (Netsweeper Protocol Detection Engine) within NSProxy, our leading proxy technology. This enables new use cases around web filtering and beyond, and we're very excited to work with our dedicated customers to explore how this new technology can benefit them.
- In the context of eSNI and encrypted web traffic, Netsweeper can now detect and block the eSNI protocol.
- Protocols that were previously logged as "Unknown" may now show a protocol name, and may be blocked or allowed.
- Logging and reporting can include protocols, enabling better network analytics.
- Protocols can be enabled and disable on a per-protocol basis.
This new functionality is enabled by default for new installations.
If you're interested in trying the new protocol detection engine, or just want to talk about how this new engine may benefit you, please reach out to Netsweeper for more information. We will continue to refine this new functionality over the course of the 7.1 release cycle as we work with our customers to innovate and solve problems.