Redundant Reporting Servers
Multiple dedicated logging/reporting servers can be deployed in an effort to meet availability and redundancy requirements. All reporters must be sent all log entries and the reporter that generates a report is based on first reporter available to process the report.
Remote Logging
The Policy Service can be configured to log remotely in a variety of ways to meet your requirements. The Logmod5 logging framework is very flexible for this purpose. When deploying multiple Reporter servers all log entries must be transmitted to each report logging server.
For more information on the Logmod5 framework, please refer to our Logmod5 documentation.
For info on Reporting, please see our Reporter Administration and Multiple Reporters Overview guide.
When the WebAdmin queues a report for processing, one of the redundant reporting servers will take on this task. The first reporter to request a report to be processed will process the next available report. This is round-robin queue style load balancing. If a reporter goes out of service, the other reporting system will take over processing all reports.
Deploying redundant dedicated reporting servers is a means of increasing reporting performance by increasing the number of report instances that can be created during a specific interval. Multiple Reporters does not reduce the time it may take to generate any one particular report instance. It simply increases the number of report instances that can be created between midnight and 6 AM for example. For more information on deploying a highly-available Reporting Service, please refer to our Multiple Server Setup and Installation Guide.