As of Netsweeper 7.2.11, Client Filter Branding can now be managed from the WebAdmin.
Please note, you will need to run Client Filter 9.60 or newer for this feature.
Adding your Brand
To create a Brand simply go to the WebAdmin > Tools > Client Filter Settings > Brands and select Add Brand.
You need to give the brand a Name, this will come into use later. Choose the specific Platform (OS) that you will be deploying. You can add a Description for your own reference, and finally you can add specific Managers so that they are able to manage their own specific assigned Brand. Select Submit to save your configuration changes.
For a full description of the settings, please refer to the ConfigEdit Help Options section of our Client Filter Settings documentation.
Configuration Tips
Implementing the IP address with the RUS protocol will enable the client filter to filter internet traffic from anywhere.
Implementing a Specific Site IP address with the allow protocol, will allow all traffic to flow through the device without being filtered.
The Client ConfigEdit can now be managed from the Brand; however, you will still need to specify the Proxy address and the Brand to use on the Client Filter's MSI or MST file.
Please note: Any Brand name set with the -y ConfigEdit setting is case sensitive and the client-side and server-side Brands must match for this to work.
You can also manage the Client Exception List from the Brand; you’ll need to create a specific shared list for the client filter as the exception list meaning you are now able to manage the exception list for the client filter yourself.
You can add multiple shared lists into the Exception List.
For more information on this topic, please reach out to Netsweeper Support.